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DOCUMENTI / Il comunicato finale del vertice G8 dei ministri finanziari a Lecce (in inglese)

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13 giugno 2009

FATF should report back by September on its progress in identifying uncooperative jurisdictions.
We endorse the FATF's call for countries to protect the financial system from illicit financing and implement counter-measures against Iran, in particular to mitigate the risk posed by correspondent relationships with Iranian financial institutions.

We are committed to the effective and timely implementation of financial measures against North Korea as set out, among other measures, in UN Security Council resolution N.1874.
To facilitate the recovery and sustain growth over the longer term, we reaffirm our commitment to refrain from protectionism and we commit to continue working towards an ambitious conclusion of the Doha round.
The rapid implementation of the trade finance support announced in April in London is essential in restoring international trade flows, particularly to emerging and developing countries.
Excess volatility of commodity prices poses risks to growth.

We will consider ways to improve the functioning and transparency of global commodity markets, including considering IOSCO work on commodity derivative markets.
We have led efforts to provide the IMF with the necessary resources to expand its lending capacity and are fully committed to swiftly implement the London Summit commitment, and urge other countries to participate.

We are also exploring ways to substantially increase the IMF capacity for concessional lending through the sale of gold or other means, consistent with the new income model, and we encourage the Fund to explore the scope for increased concessionality to low-income countries. We remain committed to reforming the IMF to enable it to carry out its critical role in the modern global economy. We welcome the actions taken by the World Bank and other Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs) that highlight their important countercyclical role in responding to the global crisis.

13 giugno 2009
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