TOKYO - Il Foreign Correspondents' Club of Japan ha emesso un comunicato di ferma condanna dell'uccisione dei due ostaggi giapponesi. Nel messaggio si chiede soprattutto a tutte le parti coinvolte in conflitti internazionali di «riconoscere che i giornalisti non debbano mai diventare target e non debbano essere visti come rappresentanti delle politiche dei loro governi nazionali: non poteva esserci alcuna giustificazione per punire Kenji Goto a causa di occasioni di lagnanze che potessero essere sentite contro il governo giapponese».
Ecco il testo del comunicato dell'FCCJ
Condemning the Murder of Journalist Kenji Goto
The Foreign Correspondents' Club of Japan condemns in the strongest terms the murders of journalist Kenji Goto and his friend Haruna Yukawa by the group known as Islamic State. Our hearts go out to their families and friends, and to the Japanese people.
We demand that all parties in international conflicts, whether they be states or non-state groups, recognize that journalists should never be targeted and are not to be seen as representatives of the policies of their national governments. There was no justification whatsoever to punish Kenji Goto for grievances that may be felt against the Japanese government.
The task of a journalist is to report the facts and truth of affairs, even in dangerous zones of military conflict. Kenji Goto was an exceptionally brave and important journalist whom we greatly respect and will honor.
We feel deep sadness at the loss of a heroic colleague, but we also renew our resolve as journalists to provide accurate information to serve the public interest.
Board of Directors
The Foreign Correspondents' Club of Japan
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