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UniCredit: Decisions of Board of Directors

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Questo articolo è stato pubblicato il 22 settembre 2010 alle ore 01:44.

The Board of Directors of UniCredit and Alessandro Profumo have, upon the
guidance expressed by the Board, agreed that, after 15 years, the time is right for
a change of leadership.
Therefore, Mr. Profumo offered his resignation as CEO of UniCredit, which was
accepted by the Board of Directors. The Board thanked Mr. Profumo for the
excellent results achieved.
In particular, the Board underscored that under Alessandro Profumo's leadership
the company has developed from a purely domestic player into one of Europe's
leading banking groups. The market capitalization has risen in this period from
euro 1.5 Billion to approximately euro 37 Billion. Even during the global financial crisis,
UniCredit remained profitable in every quarter. With these achievements and with
ongoing strategic projects like "One 4C" the way has been paved for a successful
and sustainable future of the Group.

Until a new CEO is appointed, the Board has transferred temporarily the
executive powers to Chairman Dieter Rampl, who supported by the Deputy
CEOs, will lead the Group.

Furthermore, the Board has transferred Mr. Rampl the mandate to identify and
propose Mr. Profumo's successor within the coming weeks.

Mr. Profumo thanked the Board, shareholders and all the colleagues of the
Group for their longstanding support during his tenure.

Tags Correlati: Alessandro Profumo's | Dieter Rampl | Libere professioni |



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