Storia dell'articolo

Questo articolo è stato pubblicato il 09 gennaio 2013 alle ore 11:49.

Silvio Berlusconi (Ansa)Silvio Berlusconi (Ansa)

Year established: 2009
Leader: Silvio Berlusconi (76 years old)
History: Pdl was created from a fusion between Forza Italia (the moderate center-right party) and Alleanza nazionale (the party that was created from the ashes of Msi, with a conservative-national vision)
Last political election results (Chamber 2008): 37,4%

The program
Growth/reforms: Decreasing the debt to decrease tax pressure and liberate resources for investments. Change labour laws: Monti's government has introduced very strict measures that hinder occupation, the Biagi Law is better than the Fornero Law
Public expenses: The party agrees with the spending review process started by Monti but criticizes the health and security cuts
Taxes: The leader Berlusconi counts on abolishing IMU (property tax) while increasing taxes on alcohol, cigarettes and lottos/betting
Europe: A reflection is requested on the choices made by the EU which created stricter budgets and has compromised growth as well as increased the recession. They furthermore propose to review the relationship between the Euro and the BCE to make the Euro more solid and the markets less inconstant. A definite no to a Germano-centric EU.

Other parties: Fratelli d'Italia-National center-right; La Destra; Dc

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